Superperigee Full Moon/Wesak Moon May 5th, 2012

Super Perigee Full Moon May 5th, 2012 16 degrees Scorpio

11:35 p.m. EDT 8:35 P.M. PDT (for info about Wesak see

“If you put in more effort you don’t get a better I am out of it.”—Bob Nickel

This Full Moon has nothing to do with effort. Your mind may tell you that effort is required but with every idea you push you will become aware that reality, your true nature is pushing back. During this moon it may rise up as something unfamiliar and frightening. At this time remind your self. Why would I fear something that I am and always have been? Anything else is not real.

To say this Full Moon is intense does not fully describe it or the deep levels of sensation that people are experiencing—emotional, psychological and spiritual. It offers us the privacy and security to visit an old familiar truth; that who we ‘are’ is our intrinsic nature. Illusion will burn under the light of this moon.

This is a super perigee moon meaning that the moon is closer to the earth than during other Full Moons. It is 14% bigger and 30% brighter. This occurs once a year so is not uncommon. The last super perigee moon happened in March of 2011 at which time the moon was 248 miles closer to the earth than this year’s moon. Typically perigee occurs at 31,000 miles closer to the earth than at other times.

And, if this is not enough to set our inner tides rising, Black Moon Lilith, the astrological point that we are so inspired by to reach further than we have yet into our fears and phobias, lies within one minute of exact conjunction with the Sun. We have been feeling the coming of this moon for several days perhaps with a bit of intuitive apprehension. I feel remiss in approaching the writing of this article just days before it’s occurrence.  However, article or no, the affects of every moon happen and work upon our psyches regardless of our awareness of the event.

To be sure insecurities and fears that are not superficial, that is, relative to the physical world, may arise as an anxiety that seems to have no basis for being. The eighth house/second house axis of Scorpio/Taurus suggests our relationship to the understanding of the cycle of humanity. Our relationship to death is a part of that cycle as is birth, rebirth and transformation. When we know this to be part of our experience here but not who we are, a sense of inner peace is the result. The peace is not dependant upon anything in the external world. This gives us a feeling of deep security and, it seems ridiculous to say a much greater sense of self worth.

There is an exercise in Spring Forest Qigong, developed by Master Chunyi Lin, called ‘Gathering Clouds’. This part of a beautiful practice provides one with an amazing sense of peace. As you reach to the far corners of the universe and pull the ‘clouds’ toward the Hara, the Dantien, the center of our life force, you traverse the infinite emptiness and stillness within. It is I. There are no doubts, no yeah buts, no time just peace and pure energy. There is no effort required, as my teacher Bob Nickel likes to remind us.

Here the self expands into it self like a drop of water melting into the ocean, yet boundless, limitless and eternal. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is “a woman, fecundated by her own spirit, is great with child” suggesting “a total reliance upon the dictates of the God within” and that we are independent of need of anything external to the self. The symbol at the opposite degree is equally significant as we, often, do not experience profound realization without prior understanding, the kind which occurs due to inner “battle”.  At 17 degrees Taurus (you always round up to the next degree) is the “symbolic battle between swords and torches” or the ‘light of the soul’ and the ‘darkness of the ego’. The ego will come into balance as the light of the self shines more brightly. On a conscious level (the Sun) we dissolve conditioning, dislodge patterns of thinking that require us to repeatedly doubt and question our worth and stability. On an emotional and instinctive level we tap into a source of being that elicits peace and stillness. Joy may be there also but not always and sometimes we think it should be always.

The Black Moon Lilith in opposition to this moon in Scorpio is a lot like seeing your self in the mirror as Lilith has a Scorpionic quality—intense, deep, dark, powerful, with intuitive knowing that can be unnerving to some. Therefore this is an opportunity to experience, close up what you may find unnerving in this life. This may relate to issues of relationship, sex, finance, material possessions all of which, when we have attachment to them or expectation, can cause us concern, suffering and unhappiness. You may also become aware of habits that perpetuate your unhappiness. Often we are the last to become aware of behaviors that limit us from experiencing freedom.  With Mars still in Virgo we are exercising extra caution when it comes to our reactions and responses.

If we look at what is showing up in regards to collective healing at this Full Moon we can be sure that the same will hold true for the individual or vice versa. What we accomplish on an individual level affects the greater good. In the 9th harmonic chart we see a sextile from Chiron in Virgo to the Moon and a trine to the sun suggesting the ability to heal the thought that we are not perfect, dispense with criticism and judgment and feel secure both physically and emotionally in a way that greatly enhances the ability to know thy self. The Mercury/Jupiter trine here in water assists us in trusting our inner knowing. The grand trine of Moon, Neptune, Pluto deepens the connection to our essence and indicates profound and lasting change.

Saturn in this chart sextile Jupiter, opposition Mercury and conjunct the North Node is demonstrating a mature wisdom and preciseness of focus that allows for responsible performance that serves the highest good. Mars in this chart is in Aquarius. Action occurs with the community in mind. There is an evolved ability to communicate when we realize our shared experience here. We become closer, nesting in each others trusting and glowing with appreciation for the beauty that radiates everywhere.

In the natal chart Pluto (in Capricorn) forms another grand trine with Mars (in Virgo) and Ceres (in Taurus). From one perspective that translates into right action that eliminates what does not serve the planet. From another perspective we might observe that everything is perfect and that evolution occurs in relation to a natural set of parameters that could be a mystery to us—so be it. Uranus exactly inconjunct Mars and square Pluto emphasizes our lack of control over anything that occurs here and reminds us that change is inevitable in temporal experience and that ‘I am’ is not related to that which moves or changes in physical reality. The great secret of Scorpio is the knowing of the eternal aspect of consciousness. We need not fear death or any other process that occurs in this world. It is an illusion that we are born or flourish or die. Our true nature is not limited by that or anything. At this Full Moon discover what lies deeper within the mystery for you and don’t be afraid to ask some big questions such as who am I.

About buddhalaugh

Anna=Insight=Clarity, Simplicity. Not the answer but a means to Self- discovery--there is no where to go, no effort to be exerted only waking up to that which you are already and always. We are never lost only distracted by the luscious physicality of our experience here.
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